I love this song so much. I first heard it when I first moved to Bristol last year, and thought that it wasn’t really that hard to live in the city (you see what I did there? Oh never mind) After living here a year or so, its still not too hard to live in […]
Archives for August 2009
Ribbons and Pearls
A quick make this evening, to match my outfit this weekend (I bought a lovely grey satin and black jersey dress, oops!) I saw a necklace in Topshop recently where it had some large beads tied onto a ribbon. It looked really cool, but as a crafting type person, I just couldn’t spend £15 on […]
Pretty Sparkly Things!
Yesterday I recieved these earrings in the post from Zoe. She’s just started making jewellery, and this was a really nice surprise! I wanted to say Thank You here :) Its making me want to use my jewellery making stuff now!
Quick iPhone Case
Its been a while since I’ve used the sewing machine (I was kinda put off since making ~20 meters of bunting for Lou and Naths wedding!) but I thought I should do something with this material which has been lurking around for about 3 years. I’ve put aside the main part of it for a […]
10 Years Online
I realised that whilst I’ve been blogging for 8 years, I’ve been online a little longer than that. A more complete version of my geek history can be found here if you’re that interested, but I thought I would share a story that hasn’t been told online before (at least, I don’t think so!) Back […]