I realised that whilst I’ve been blogging for 8 years, I’ve been online a little longer than that. A more complete version of my geek history can be found here if you’re that interested, but I thought I would share a story that hasn’t been told online before (at least, I don’t think so!)
Back when I first got online, I didn’t really know anyone except a friend from school, so I signed up for a sort of pen pal service with zoom.co.uk (if I remember rightly, they were something to do with the Arcadia group)
I can’t really remember what I put on my description/post, but it was probably quite innocently sweet and gave out my email address (a Lycos one. I feel old)
A 15 year old blonde on the Internet? Bring on the men!
I had many replies to my post, most of them quite nice, and I happily replied back to them (cause if you hadn’t guessed by now, I love writing about random things!)
I honestly don’t remember much about these emails, but there is one that sticks in my mind for quite obvious reasons.
As well as the nice emails I recieved, I had one where the sender had decided to send me a picture.
Of his penis.
I was very shocked (It was the first time I had seen such a thing! Ew!) but for some reason, decided the best thing to do (besides delete it) was to forward the email to my friend who also had the Internet. (She was much less innocent than I was!)
So the next day, I went to school, and my friend giggled about the email I had recieved. And then showed me the print out she had made of the picture. The picture was passed around our friends, because showing a penis to 15 year old girls will make them giggle a lot. (To be fair, most women will laugh, no matter what age they are) One of the girls decided to inform us of similarities and differences with her boyfriend, and we all felt slightly ill. Hooray.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of when I saw my first unrelated (to me) naked man.
I love your random posts!
I wonder what the first thing I did online was.. it was probably about the same time. I know we had our first computer while I was still in primary school, and we got the internet really early – not sure when I had my first email address though!
Goodness, I feel old. You’ve just made me work out that in October I’ll have been on the internet for 18 years.
thank you for the congrats!
i’m off to aston uni in birmingham
Do you feel old? I’ve been online for about 14 years and feel ancient.
Remember when you could search profiles in things like AOL by “asl” because internet paedo’s hadn’t been invented yet?
Do you think that “kids today” don’t use the webz to their full potential, whereas when we were their age it wasn’t yet good enough to have reached it’s full potential?
Good times!