I’ve been looking for a lovely cape for ooh, about 3 years? Thankfully, this season seems to be capetastic. Hooray! I started putting this blog post together to show all the lovely capes I’d been drooling at, but by the time you read this, I bought two of them. Oops. Anyway. CAPES!
Thanks to the 15% off code thats floating about, I bought this cape* in black this week for my winter coat. Its beautiful, hooded, and nice and swingy. The slight downside is that I did the usual go-up-a-dress-size for your coat, and it seems to be bloody massive! Its also available in a khaki-ish colour:
It’s normally £70 from ASOS, but with the 15% off, it was about £60. Winner.
(side note: I remember when ASOS first started, as As Seen On Screen. It had a lot of Sarah Michelle Geller/Buffy inspired items. Since I wanted to be like Buffy when I was 15/16 (shut it, you did too), this was obviously my favourite site.)
This Ultimate Military Cape (£95) from Topshop is nice, but not £95 of nice. (Shocking, Topshop overcharging for something? How unusual) Compared to the military cape from ASOS (I love how military is back in again, I love it), its not as detailed, and theres no hood.
I love the idea of little capes like this feather cape* to wear over a t-shirt or vest. I was wearing my little furry cape (capelet?) with my pjamas before I’d seen this. It was nice enough at £40, but at £12, I couldn’t click the buy button quick enough (which was a bit silly really, I bought it the day before ASOS sent that code out. Fail)
In Primark’s A/W 2010 collection (which can be seen at on InStyle’s website), theres a navy military cape, which is only £25, but ugh, look at that tie around the middle. Its like a bloody dressing gown now!
Of course, I love this cape from Emilio Pucci
But at £1550, its just slightly out of my price range. Sigh.
I remember ASOS when it was As Seen on Screen too! It was the only place to buy Sunnydale High t-shirts :D
I wish it was still around :(
Love your blog! So sorry I didn’t reply to your comment sooner, life has been a bit crazy plus I’ve been revamping my blog. Still haven’t decided whether to get a cleaner or not hehe.
Really fancy a cape but worried I’d look matron like as I’m a skinny minnie…