I got this email on Friday from the Boy:
I have done bad. I am admitting it now. I will apologise later.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m a bit of a mental if someone says this sort of thing. I bugged him via email and text, and I think there may have been a phone call in there.
So I got home, and begged him to tell me what he had done wrong. He held out this tiny little Bluetooth headset and said that he had bought that. Unimpressed, I went back downstairs. He followed me, holding out an iPad and said “well, I may have bought this as well”

OMG. I squealed a little bit and made attempts to grab it. He claims that he’s bought it for the household, but its also going to help with his work. He only decided at lunch time on Friday that he wanted one, and by the time he sent the email to me at 3pm, he had one in his hands.
I know I’ve said previously that I wasn’t that bothered by the iPad, but that was before I got to play with one. It’s a beautiful item, with all the features of the iPhone that I love, but on a much bigger screen. Apart from the pictures (which I’m taking on the iPhone then popping them into the entry) I’m writing this entry on the iPad. It’s so easy to type on – I’ve got the screen on a horizontal position, and the keyboard is big enough for me to type on with both hands.
The graphics are amazing as well. We’ve been playing games from Angry Birds to N.O.V.A. (have a guess who plays which game) and it’s awesome. We’ve been able to play Flight Control together (me on my iPhone, him on the iPad. I won. Glad to see I’m still the champion of Flight Control) and have found applications like BigOven so much more useful on a bigger screen (and with the official iPad case, it stands up on its own nicely)
I love the iPad. More than my OS X’d netbook? I’m not sure yet. Whilst it’s been nice to type this on the iPad, I still prefer a proper keyboard – but that argument can be solved by attaching my Bluetooth keyboard. The screen of the iPad is actually bigger than my Dell Mini 10V, but then half of it is taken up with the keyboard. I’m not sure yet. It’s lovely to use whilst sitting infront of the tv, and can be connected to my Mac as a second screen.
I told Tim about it, to which he replied “Pics or it didn’t happen.” Of course I had to send this one:

I think that quite a few people who didn’t see the point of these things will change their mind when they play with them. The user experience is just amazing.
I’ve had quite a few people say dismissive comments like “it’s just a big iPod” – but it’s so nippy and the screen is so big that it is so much more than that.
I’m glad you love it and get to share one. James does not get to share mine very much so far.
.-= Zoe Corkhill´s last blog ..A trip to the eighties =-.
I don’t use my laptop very often but even so I feel like I need an iPad. Am very jealous, where did you find the boy? Does he had a taller, more Chester based friend with similar impulse purchasing habits????
Not a huge technology fan but even I feel excited about the iPad, even though I have no real idea what it is or what it offers. I’m pretty Apple illiterate apart from my ancient iPod Nano – bought when you could only get them in black or white.
.-= The Girl´s last blog ..May Book Review =-.
I just wish it ran full OSX; if it did that I’d probably bite off all my friends’ left arms to get one. Including the left-handed ones.
Windows tablets have, I have to say, been around for years, and run full Windows, so why can’t Apple make a tablet that runs full OSX instead of iPhone OS?? EH??
.-= Tim C´s last blog ..Ten Controversial Billboards =-.
Ooh shiny! I don’t really see myself getting one (an iphone is on the shopping list instead!) but it certainly looks fun to play with! Tried to see them in the apple store at the weekend but you couldn’t even get close to the ones on display – too many excited people!
.-= Harriet´s last blog ..Hair Lust =-.
im not too sure ill be buying one xxxx
.-= kirsty´s last blog ..Next Press Day: The shoes =-.