Last night was the Brit Awards. Last night was the first time in a long time I didn’t watch the Brit Awards. I’ve been a big fan of the Brits since Take That were a five piece the first time around, and have watched most shows since the early 90’s. When I was younger, I’d…
Currently Listening…
I thought I’d share with you what I’ve been listening to lately. I have a pretty odd taste, so there might be something you’ll like in here. I’ve linked to the Amazon MP3 pages for the songs, as its usually cheaper per album than iTunes. I always love a bit of Richard Cheese, and have…
I Is For iPod; P For Progress
So me and Hayley (well, it was me) came up with the idea of guest-posting on eachother’s blog; mine being located at the “it means nothing, honest” Once this was agreed and WordPress account set up, the problems begin: what to write about? Should it be my take on something on Ceriselle – shoes,…
As Ed and I walked out of the cinema with Munchausen by Proxy playing over the end credits, we started talking about how good the soundtrack was. Without much of a thought, I pulled my iPhone from my pocket, searched the iTunes store and tapped to buy the album, before I had even left the…
Bullet (Point) Time
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of a Hayley who is feeling so very very…well, meh It feels like everything thats been going on in the past few weeks – hell, the past few months! – has finally caught up with me and hit me with a good dose of exhaustion, aches and…