That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of a Hayley who is feeling so very very…well, meh
It feels like everything thats been going on in the past few weeks – hell, the past few months! – has finally caught up with me and hit me with a good dose of exhaustion, aches and a little tonsillitis just for a laugh. Oh, and eczema. Which is new.
So, in brief, because I’m a lazy biatch, here’s some bullet points of things that are happening
- I’m off to t’Creech (which is a teeny little village just past Shepton Mallet, or Mallayyyy if you are being exotic) this weekend to help Louise out with some wedding stuff. I honestly can’t wait, because not only do I get to spend a weekend crafting, playing on the Wii and teasing the kittin, I also get to spend time with Lou Lou and drink gin and have her tell me I have been a silly moo cow.
- I am far too excited about getting away from the city. I feel like theres something wrong with me.
- Work is good at the moment, playing with lots of computers (and was far far too excited last Friday when three 24″ iMacs appeared. I lined them up on my desk and tried to keep them. Unfortunately pretty much everyone who went past me said I couldn’t try and steal one. What, like I was going to shove it up my top?!)
- I’ve worked out a deal with Tim at work where I make the boys coffee, and he doesn’t make fun of me. As he said, a flaw in his personality is working out well for him, but I am enjoying the relative peace and quiet.
- I had an excellent random night out last Friday, where the original plan was to meet Charlie for a glass of wine after work, but which turned into drinking half a bottle of wine, cocktails, a looot of vodka and some gin. Oh dear. Bad girl.
- I am on a proper old school music kick at the moment. Right now I’m listening to Savage Garden. I remember buying their debut album in Little Rock, AR 10 years ago exactly on tape. Man, I am oooooold.
- I am keeping up with my Project 365, although my pictures are a bit yawn at the moment cause of the lack of energy. Suuuuuuucks.
- I am in LOVE with the new series of Scrubs. Seriously. If you’re a Scrubs fan (and honestly, who isn’t?) get watching Series 8 because it is Ah. Maz. Ink. Episode 2 set me off into tears, and actually, Episode 4 did a bit too. I am such a girl.
- Speaking of being a girl, I ordered a hula hoop last night, in the greatest colour combination ever – sparkly pink and blue. It fills me with a scary amount of gleeeeeee! I informed Ed of this last night and he said I was such a girl. Um, well, I kinda hope so, because otherwise these things that make my tops go out quite a bit would be a bit wrong.
- I don’t get why theres such a fuss about British celebrities all getting on the Twitter bandwagon. The thing I find weirdest are those who will @reply to the celebs to try and get a response. Maybe not weird, but a little sad.
- The iPhone is just the best thing to have ever – I can blog, check my eBay and tweet from anywhere. Which means I do just because I can. Standing by the cheese counter in Sainos? Time to check if I’m still winning that scanner.
I’m so exhausted that its half 9 and I need to go to bed. Utter, utter fail.
Savage Garden were brill. Well, at least that’s what I thought at the time. Not at all sure I agree as much now but I haven’t heard anything of theirs for years!
Savage Garden = awesome. The best music ever for slow dancing in the gym with your 8th grade boyfriend and trying to ignore the fact that he’s totally getting a boner.