If you made me choose any type of accessory to live with forever, giving up the rest, I’d probably say bags. I know, what happened to my shoe obsession? I love shoes, but a bag will never cause you pain, or make you trip and look stupid, or make you look like you need the…
Things I Did In London
The view from the train as I waited. This is on the way to my stepmums old pub which is a really weird area of Bristol So this weekend, I headed down to London. Originally when I planned my little trip, I hoped to go to shows and the exhibition, but except for a query…
Some New Sensation
Too lazy today to do an outfit post. I tried, but, blah. Have been trying to think about what to wear next month – London Fashion Week has made its way around again, and instead of the one day I managed last year, I’m going to be in London for three days. You may find…
Dress Up, Play The Game
I loved these images from a Stylist shoot a few months ago where Blythe dolls were dressed up in mini versions of designer clothes, and then posed in front of real places. Its a bit depressing when dolls are better dressed than I am. (Click for huge versions) Dress: Felder Felder, Bag: Burberry Prorsum, Shoes:…
Oh No, Not More LFW
I know, I know. Even I am glad the madness that is LFW is over for another season. Don’t worry though. This isn’t going to be borrowed images and my opinions, or blurry dark images of half a models head, but more about my day. I didn’t take many photos outside of the exhibition, and…