T-shirt: Howies, Jeans: H! by Henry Holland*, Shoes: Converse
From dresses and make up last week to jeans that are way too big and a bare face. This is the first pair of jeans I’ve worn in at least a year (excusing jeggings – I know lots of people hate them, but at the same time, because I wear long tops, they don’t notice they are jeggings) – they were only £6 in Debenhams, but are 2 sizes too big. Oops. I have a bad habit at the moment for buying things too big, purely because I’m too lazy to try them on and assume sizing is wrong anyway. I tried to steal one of Alex’s belts, but it didn’t fit! I need to fatten him up.
Why am I posting such a blah outfit? I was thinking about the #todayimwearing hashtag in the week – it seems like a way to post as many brand names as possible in a tweet. I realise the irony of that when above I’ve listed what brands I’m wearing, yet it doesn’t seem so obvious in an outfit post. No one ever says “I’m in a holey old t-shirt of the boyfriends and pj bottoms” or “wearing: leggings that have a small hole on the knee”.
Anyway. Things I liked this week!
- Printable blog organisers. I admit that the only one that I have any interest in would be the first calendar, but perhaps the others would be useful for you guys?
- I am definitely buying Vic’s book when its published. I met her last week at the Aussie party, she is so talented!
- DIY paper garlands. I saw another version of this as well using those paint chart cards, the ones with 5 colours
in her hairin a row - I’ve been using Google+ (Google Plus? G+? Whatever.) this week – so far, so good, although it does seem to be full of blokes at the moment! Anyone else on there?
Well, quite. - People looking sad while posing with the thing that made them sad -this made me laugh a lot. Never realised how many articles on the Daily Mail focused on this angle!
Whats everyone up to this week then? We’re probably off to watch Transformers later at CdL – I had wanted to see Bridesmaids, but I saw it last night and it was DREADFUL. I honestly can’t understand how this movie has gotten such good reviews. Thats 2 hours of my life that I’ll never get back. The only interesting bit was the bloke from the IT Crowd being in it, and a kid from a Nickelodeon show you probably don’t watch as the stepson who’s on screen for 10 seconds. Thats how bad it is.
What is this google + lark?
I know what you mean with the #todayimwearing thing! I guess for some people it is another status thing? I love your t-shirt by the way, amazing!
Maria xxx