The Aussie “campaign wrap party” for Lusciously Light was only last Saturday, but already it feels so long ago!
I met Laura at Temple Meads, and we managed to grab a table seat on a packed train. Laura had never been to London on the train before, but thankfully it was a quick and pleasant trip. A short trip on the Tube later (I think we spent longer queuing for the tickets than the actual journey!), we soon found ourselves in a small circle of bloggers who were already waiting at the tube station. Soon enough, we were whisked off in black cabs on a random trip around London. (I thought cab drivers knew everywhere in London?)

The venue, Sunbeam Studios, was amazing. The was a photographer (Sam Witney who was brilliant) all set up to take a million photos of us all, a bar, a lunch buffet, candy floss, champagne tasting and of course hairdressers armed with the entire Aussie range ready to give us big gorgeous hair.

I volunteered to have my hair done first (oh the hardship) and Amber-Rose – as always! – worked some magic on my hair. I went in with slightly frizzy, slightly wavy hair, and came out with big bouncy curls.
It seemed that the end of the day came around far too quickly and Laura and I were soon on a Bristol bound train home, armed with takeaway sushi, gin-in-a-can and lots of gossip. (G&T in a can is the best invention for a train journey.)

Thank you – as ever – to Emma and Holly at Aussie for an epic event. I am so honoured to be chosen to go to these events – every time we are treated to such a fun time in a situation I wouldn’t normally encounter in my “real life” – so thank you thank you thank you!
There’s more photos on my Facebook page if you’re feeling nosy :)