Modcloth sent out a newsletter a few weeks ago relating to Earth Day to promote their more ethically sourced and eco-friendly items, and at the bottom was a link to a brand called Bibico. I loved the few items that Modcloth had on their website, so thought I’d look up the companies own website. For some reason, I remember thinking “I bet this is a local brand”. Guess what, it is! Based in Somerset, it was started up by Nieves Ruiz, a Spanish designer who wanted to create an alternative label.
Audrey Dress (£60) – Bella Bow Skirt (£45) – Bow Waist-Tie Dress (£57)
Cassie Blouse (£40) – Lulabella Dress (£60) – Meadow Maxi Dress (£65)
Its always good to see more ethically based fashion lines easily available – I’m just as guilty as anyone for popping into Primark for a cheap fashion fix, but I’m trying to add in more well made pieces to my wardrobe – at least you can be a bit more confident that it will last a bit longer than a few washes!
Ooh these are really pretty! I normally find ethical clothing pre-supposes you want to dress like an Earth Mother, which I don’t… But these are really cute! I will definitely be investigating this brand!