In case you had forgotten (how could you? I know you’ve gotten it written down in your diary with a big heart and stars all around it), it is my 27th birthday in less than a months time. (September 12th.)
I like to make a wishlist each year (here’s last years) as a gentle prod to my family towards the sort of things I would like. Its normally ignored. This year though will be different! Mostly because I’m going to spam the crap out of anyone who might buy me things.
Anyway. These are a few of the things I would totally love, kiss kiss kiss.
This is a Bayswater in Plum Glossy Buffalo Leather. I’ve wanted one of these for a loooooong time, its just a perfect bag for work really. But then I looked around on the Mulberry website and saw this
Oh ALEXA. Its in “sparkle tweed” which sounds lovely, and I love the satchelly style. Lets not mention the prices though, hmm? (*cough* £695 for the Baywater, £795 for the Alexa. Sigh.)
The Diana Mini is such a cute little camera. Even better, it takes 35mm film which can still be bought in the supermarket. See, its almost practical.
Fish pedicure! I’m not sure why I like the idea of lots of flesh eating fishies going om nom nom at my toes, but oooh it sounds fun. And ticklish. My feet are in a dreadful state so the fishies may die of overeating. But still. NOM NOM NOM.
PONIES OMG OMG OMG. Enough said.
Well, I’d never say no to some gin (although smelling like gin and tonic? Maybe not.
Oh, and of course, theres always my Amazon wishlist.
I have a feeling that most of these are a touch overpriced for the likes of me!
Thats why its a wish list! I wish I could afford them!