I’ve loved Filofaxes since I was a little girl. Who didn’t have a Fun Fax at some point? I loved filling out all the different sections, and for some reason ended up with a bit of an obsession with address books – I’d buy maybe 3 new address books each year (or more) and spend a happy evening copying over all the information that I needed – and deciding who to leave out.
Of course, since I have my iPhone, I don’t need to keep a physical address book, but I find it so much easier to write events and stuff down in a real diary rather than on my iPhone. I can add in little random notes and scribble down to do’s each day (and then feel ashamed if they’re not ticked off quickly)
It seems that having a Filofax is quite a popular thing at the moment – it feels like (almost) everyone is turning away from Moleskines, and turning to an organiser that allows the user to choose how they set it up. (See how Kirsty at Belle Fantaisie and Gala Darling have theirs). This article from the Telegraph goes into a bit more detail as well.
I chose a pocket sized Metropol in Raspberry (oddly, I bought this on the same day Gala published her article saying she had bought the bigger version!). Personally, I’ve got mine like this:

Things I need to get to quickly – my debit and credit cards, business cards, my lift pass and my bus ticket each day.

I have plastic wallets for my timesheet, a zipped one to keep little things safe, and a card holder.

I’ve taken out most of the information sheets because I can Google anything I need.
When I bought my Filofax, it came with a July 10 – Dec 11 calendar, so I took out all of the 2011 stuff for now. The address tabs are gone, with just the numbered ones left, labeled with various things.

I chose the sticky notes pack, and am looking for the mirror (because I’m that vain) to go in. I keep my passport tucked in the back – it’s my only ID, and you never know when you’ll be whisked off somewhere (a girl can dream!)
The Filofax is perfect for the obsessive planner type like myself, as it let’s you see a whole week (for example) at once. It works in any situation that the iPhone wont (obviously not underwater, because the paper would get soggy, but then the phone would explode if I did that anyway). I can scribble, note, doodle – things I can’t do on my phone easily. I can pencil things in and write what didn’t happen.
My Filofax was only £21, and I’ve probably spent another £15 on extras, but its nice to know that if this one starts to look a bit battered, I can easily buy a new one, or if I need more bits of it, its easily refillable (Paperchase is right by my office, which is always a danger!)
Haha this post made me go “Oh my god a Fun Fax!” actually out loud. Good job I’m on my own today, have no idea how I would have covered that one up.
You have Paperchase by your office? Hello my name is jealous.
I love posts like this as am such a stationary geek!! I have a filofax but haven’t used it that much- will be getting it out tonight! x
To repeat what TheGirl said, oh my god funfax!! That had been buried in the recesses of my memory. Was drawn from facebook by your lovely pink funfax, cough, sorry, Filofax! Trez jealous.
I love my Filofax! When I asked for one for my birthday a couple of years ago a lot of people thought I was mad so it’s awesome to find others who share the love… I didn’t realise they were making a comeback, maybe tomorrow I’ll have mine out on my desk with pride rather than stashing it in my bag! I’ve got a light pink mottled-type effect one. I feel like I’m a bit light on the accessories front – I need those sticky notes!
I’m thinking (well, more at the researching which one I’m going to buy stage really) of getting a Filofax too, I need something I can tuck more bits and pieces into than I can into a moleskine, and, well, they’re just pretty!