I think I should begin this by saying I love leggings. They are soooo comfortable, and after a week of wearing structured skirts, blouses and high high heels for work, its so nice to put a pair of leggings and a big jumper on and laze on the sofa watching crap.
(Yes, I realise this is the sort of thing I wore when I was 13. Obviously I am going through 13 year cycles of fashion. Next year: baby gros)
However, with an item of clothing coming into fashion, there will always be some people that will just Get It Wrong. Oh so wrong.
I was on the bus this morning, and there was a girl with a pair of thin leggings on, with a cardgian and top underneath. The cardi barely touched the top of the leggings, and they were so tight that they were see through in some places. To make things worse, she was sitting at the back of the bus with her legs on either side of the backwards facing chairs. Why would you think this was a good idea when wearing something a bit less revealing I don’t know, but at 8am, I wasn’t really wanting a biology lesson in womens parts.
It made me think about other leggings/normal length top combinations I have seen recently. Bristol is a fairly relaxed city, and its quite normal to see some combinations that you wouldn’t really get in Chester. However t-shirts tucked into leggings is not a look that should be seen at any time. If anything, thats something to be worn underneath layers and layers, because ITS SO DAMN COLD.
Anyway. Here’s my helpful guide on how to wear leggings.
Hope this helps.
(Also, had to put this in:
I am so wearing that to my next party)
> I am so wearing that to my next party
Is that a promise? That’s the outfit for next week? :o
I think its a bit too special actually for a houseparty. The entire city should see my crotch in tin foil.
This also applies to tights – tights are not leggings or trousers and need to be worn as an accessory not a staple piece of an outfit!
Also I want the gold thing!!!
I so want to wear leggings but I just don’t think I can pull them off!! But I agree with Bel above – some people need to be told that tights are not the same – I don’t need to see that thank you very much!
I know what you mean about the ‘stretching’ thing, these leggings as pants people don’t seem to realise that I can see almost everything because their leggings aren’t thick enough!
Its not just in Bristol. Girls in Manchester do this too. Leggings with crop tops and and then gladiator sandals? I will never understand that. As long as the top being worn is long enough to cover the bottom or if you’re wearing a long cardigan then its OK to wear the “leggings as trousers” look. Not however if you’re dressed as mentioned, with a perma tan and a massive boufant that is so back combed its more knots than hair.
I do like that there are girls wearing longer skirts. That does make me feel better :)
How is the one on the right a crotch display? The leggings are thick and shiny enough not to be see-through, and it looks much better than the frumpy conservative layered one on the left.
I like the leggings look, all y’all are just jealous hags and the leggings on the right aren’t even transparent, grow up.