This is just a test to see if my blog has moved over to it’s new host. Honestly, I think moving from Chester to Bristol was easier than moving a blog.
Archives for January 2009
Polaroid – Saved!
Oh YAY. I have a slight obsession with Polaroids lately, so I was far too excited when I read this article at the Independent yesterday. It might be a bit too much to hope for, but I’d love to see the prices go down for film. And perhaps now there is this possiblity of lots […]
As Ed and I walked out of the cinema with Munchausen by Proxy playing over the end credits, we started talking about how good the soundtrack was. Without much of a thought, I pulled my iPhone from my pocket, searched the iTunes store and tapped to buy the album, before I had even left the […]
Bullet (Point) Time
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of a Hayley who is feeling so very very…well, meh It feels like everything thats been going on in the past few weeks – hell, the past few months! – has finally caught up with me and hit me with a good dose of exhaustion, aches and […]
Review: Yes Man
On Saturday, Ed and I travelled up to the Vue at Cribs, where we watched Yes Man. Due to some bad timing of everyone wanting to go at the same time, and Ed having issues with self service machines, we got into the screen as the trailers for other films were playing, when you can’t […]