This is just a test to see if my blog has moved over to it’s new host. Honestly, I think moving from Chester to Bristol was easier than moving a blog.
Why Would You Look?
A map showing where all my visitors have come from. Pretty. I know these posts may seem like a bit of a cop out, because its not really a proper blog entry, but I’ve not done this before on this blog, and some of these terms are quite strange. Yes, its time to look at…
Oh Dear!
Well, the point of me installing WordPress here was so I would do some work on this website a bit more. Unfortunately the past few months have been a little crazy for me – I made the decision to move back to Bristol, and I finished my job on Friday 4th April. Exciting times! Now…
A Sort Of Test…
I’ve just installed WordPress again on my website. I wanted to be able to write about things that I am interested in in a bit more a formal way, and I thought that this is the best solution. I wanted to keep my day to day ramblings separate on my LJ, but also wanted to…