I was reading the weekly Money Saving Expert email (brilliant for finding out about discounts, etc) and noticed that Tesco had finally gotten their Clubcard stuff online (they may have before, I don’t know). They have a section in “Your Account” where you can see all vouchers ever issued and any unspent ones. Before I…
HtCC – Pyjama Party
So if you follow a few of us blogger types on Twitter, a few weeks ago, you’ll have seen that there were discussions about sleepovers going on – mainly the sort of sleepovers that we used to have as teenagers. (Hair mascara anyone?) A few nights ago, the Sarahs (@sarahs_scribbles and @essbeevee) and I were…
Dear Santa…
…I’ve been *really* good this year. So if you could just have a peep at my Polyvore made shopping list, that would be ace. Ta. x xmas list by ceriselle