Ugh, I am so so rubbish at updating lately! It was Louise and Nathans wedding on Saturday, so I’ve been busy sewing lots of bunting (sewing 14 metres of bias tape in one sitting – not fun!) and having SERIOUS debates in the middle of places like Hobbycraft and the party shop in the Galleries…
The Pilton Pop Festival
So Glastonbury is over for another year. After seeing certain performances on BBC (hooray for the red button!), I wish I had gone now. I should go next year, since its quite close to me, and my friends live quite close to the site as well. Picture of Katie from the Ting Tings from BBC…
I had the most exciting phone call yesterday from my friend Louise…her and Nathan have finally gotten engaged! Here is a picture of them at their smuggest*: Louise told me that the ring he gave her came in a green box with a white bow… I had to check if she meant blue-y turquoise, perhaps…