I had the most exciting phone call yesterday from my friend Louise…her and Nathan have finally gotten engaged!
Here is a picture of them at their smuggest*:
Louise told me that the ring he gave her came in a green box with a white bow… I had to check if she meant blue-y turquoise, perhaps Tiffany Blue? Apparently I was the only one who worked out where the ring was from just from the box. Does this mean I am just obsessed with jewellery and clothes, or that I know brands from just the colour of the packaging?
I can’t wait for the wedding (2010? How will I be able to wait that long?) and know that it will be an awesome event (with milk of the mooses, and many Navy men. Lou, please invite some hot ones.)
A few more photos of my favourite French people**
*Smuggest is totally a word, and is perfect to describe smug to-be-married couples.
** They’re from the Isle of Wight, which we usually just refer to as being France.
does that mean when me and andy are living on the isle of wight we will be called french?