Every review I’ve read so far about the Apple Watch has been written by a bloke who works in technology. That’s great, but as a woman who works in finance, it’s not always relevant to how I would use a product. I knew I wanted an Apple Watch from the first rumours that went round….
Organising Christmas
I love a good list. Who doesn’t? At this time of year, it feels like you need a list for everything. A list of cards to send, one of presents to buy, one for all the yummy food to cook, and of course, one to Santa because I have been a good girl this year,…
Review: Snap Fashion
Technology in fashion is an area that really fascinates me, bringing together two of my favourite things and smushing them together to create something that you didn’t know you needed. Bringing together two areas that are seen as very gender divided is quite a hot topic at the moment as well, with this article on…
HtCC: iPhone 5 Cases
My old iPhone 4 was looking a little battered after 2 years, and it was time to upgrade. Alex bought me an iPhone 5 on Monday for my birthday present, and I love it. I hadn’t thought the previous models as heavy and bulky, but next to the new phone, they feel like bricks. My…
Prefering to use Instagr.am over expensive photo manipulation apps like Hipstamatic to some people might be like saying “Well, I could take this photo manually with a film slr, but where’s that Tesco value disposable camera?” But its not. I downloaded Instagram last year onto my iPhone, and normally I forget to use these apps…