I love a good list. Who doesn’t? At this time of year, it feels like you need a list for everything. A list of cards to send, one of presents to buy, one for all the yummy food to cook, and of course, one to Santa because I have been a good girl this year,…
Whats In My Bag: March 11
I don’t know about you, but I’m nosy. I love the “whats in my make up bag” posts that have been going around, but I’m not really a make up bag sort of girl. (I do have a giant make up box that cost a painful £45 from Sallys a few years ago (but it…
Thoughts on eBooks
I’ve always been known for being a massive reader – my mum used to say that I’d look at the paper when I was 1 as if I was reading it, and taught myself to read when I was 3. I currently have two large bookshelves groaning under the weight of my book collection. In…
Choosing One Is Hard
…iPad case that is. As I may have mentioned once or twice (or pretty much every day – #ipadwanker) the boyfriend bought me an iPad for my birthday. I stole….er, borrowed his Apple iPad case (well, he wasn’t using it!) He’d been tucking his iPad into his work notebook until I nicked his case, then…
Bifdog “Haul”
So it was my birthday on Sunday (12th). A fun filled four days, yes, but exhausting. I got given so many exciting things though, and whilst I’ve said before that I’m not a fan of “haul” videos, my presents were too pretty not to show off! So, first off, I’m a spoilt cow, because the…