The main reason I still have my Facebook account lately is not to keep up to date with friends, family and ex colleagues, but um…to play The Sims Social. I’m in an “inseparable” relationship with The Wife, I hate Bella, and I’m obsessive about the weeds in the garden (if only this were true in…
Back in the day (flipping heck, that makes me sound old!), I was a tad obsessed with Facebook. I honestly can’t remember when I first joined, but it was either while I was still at uni, or had just finished (I’m pretty sure it was back when you had to have an university email address…
Review: The Social Network
Last night, Alex and I went to a preview showing of “The Social Network” at our local cinema. If you’ve not heard about this movie, its based on the book “The Accidental Billionaires”, which is the story about how Facebook was started. Normally when reviewing a film, I wouldn’t give away anything, just to say…
I Is For iPod; P For Progress
So me and Hayley (well, it was me) came up with the idea of guest-posting on eachother’s blog; mine being located at the “it means nothing, honest” Once this was agreed and WordPress account set up, the problems begin: what to write about? Should it be my take on something on Ceriselle – shoes,…
Tweet Tweet!
For those of you who haven’t yet used Twitter, or don’t know what it is, I guess the best way to describe it to most people is a combination of blogging and updating your status on Facebook (in fact, you can do that via Twitter anyway). There are so many ways to “tweet”, such as…