Achievement unlocked: this week, the first podcast episode I have ever been on was released! If you don’t already listen to @shipshapebf’s podcast, Non Native, then you should get on that right now! It shares conversations with women who don’t live in their country of origin. If you’d like to listen, the link is on…
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New post on the blog – just a little update. It’s nice to be blogging about nothing specific again, I can fully recommend it!
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Look, I don’t want to scare anyone, but I wrote a blog post and it’s probably way too long and ~*no one reads blog posts anymore*~ but I like writing. It’s about things I use at the gym that are really useful to me, and maybe you would find it useful too!
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It’s dark and grey and damp outside and we have snow and temperatures that won’t reach over freezing due this week so I’m thinking about our holiday last year, and thinking about where we should go this year! (Oh yes. Apparently we do holidays yearly now instead of every 9 years ) I’d like to…
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This weekend, I’m looking forward to chilling out, reading in the hot tub and maybe playing a few games! If you’re interested in these pretty boardganes, head over to my blog (clickable link in the olbio) and try to dissuade me from buying the Cluedo set!