Oh hello there! I felt like it had been a while since you had seen my face in your timeline and I thought I’d reintroduce myself in case you don’t know who I am! My name is Hayley and I am a blogger. I have two blogs – ceriselle.org which is my personal “doing/thinking/wanting” site…
Eight Years
originally uploaded by ConsumedbyCake – who has some delicious cakes on her Flickr! Eight years is a long time. Last week was the eighth anniversary of me blogging in some form. The last time I wrote any sort of post celebrating a blogging anniversary was back in 2006, which was the fifth anniversary. That was…
Hello Old Friend
Yay! I abandoned my blog for the past week cause we’ve been having Internet issues at the flat. Annoyingly, this was a week that I actually had things to post! Even worse – I am writing this on my iPhone, yet didn’t think about that earlier in the week! Above is some graffiti that was…
UK Lady Bloggers
I was really excited to read this post over at Vixel’s blog because for a while now, I have been thinking about how great it would be to get more involved in the communities that I am a part of. If you’re a female blogger in the UK, join the UK Lady Bloggers group on…
I Wish I Were..
…a baller. Well, not really. But it fitted. Most blogs seem to fall into categories. You’ve got your “lifestyle” bloggers like GalaDarling, who is great (if you don’t read it, you should. Really.), and the fashion bloggers like SusieBubble and Flying Saucer. My “problem” at the moment is wondering where I fit in to it…