If you follow me on Instagram, then you might know that I like to post the questions that my Little Printer spits out every Friday. #littleprinterbigquestions asks what you would rather do between two choices. I thought I’d share a few of my favourites. Well, it is national cat day, so this is a pretty […]
The Art of Clean Up
As a child, I’d take my tube (none of this hexagonal prism nonsense for me!) of Smarties, and sit on the carpet, happily making bar charts out of the Smarties in order of colour. Perhaps I was an odd child. Or perhaps it was my love of stats coming out at an early age. (No, […]
Sourcing Images or How I Learnt Good Dessert Is Too Far Away
Something which I mentioned in my Pinterest post is that on places like Tumblr, it can sometimes be difficult to find the original source of a posted picture. Its something that drives me crazy, I think that things should be correctly credited to the maker. Here’s a great example. This post popped up into the […]
Great Hayles!
Oh Bristol. You love me, you really love me!
Prefering to use Instagr.am over expensive photo manipulation apps like Hipstamatic to some people might be like saying “Well, I could take this photo manually with a film slr, but where’s that Tesco value disposable camera?” But its not. I downloaded Instagram last year onto my iPhone, and normally I forget to use these apps […]