??? My husband takes ice very seriously, and so does Ginny ?
When we were negotiating to buy our house from the builder, we asked for an ice maker to be installed. The builder offered an ice maker from their preferred brand, and this started a collection of emails about the right kind of ice for cocktails, which is why we have a nugget ice maker. (It’s pretty great, although it’s terrible to clean!)
But! The ice maker and the one in the fridge/freezer did not create clear ice, or big chunky cubes, so Alex has been looking for a way to make them in a large amount. He found the @ghosticesystem and he’s obsessed.
When you come over for a cocktail, you will hear all about it but for now, here’s the first attempt (we were a little too impatient so they didn’t freeze for as long as they should have, but they still worked really well! (and yes, the pups are still obsessed with eating ice, although these big cubes are a bit difficult for them to cronch!)