One of the traditions of Christmas that I’ve kept since I was a kid is getting new pyjamas at Christmas. Since getting older, this has extended to getting a set for Alex, and that we wear them all day on Christmas Day. Hey, we don’t have to go anywhere or see anyone or do anything except eat and watch TV, why bother dressing?

I’ve already bought our PJ’s for this year – last year I saw these full family sets at Target, but couldn’t find our sizes. This year, I was prepared – I waited for each of our sizes to appear, set notifications and finally got the set. Prepare for some super cheesy photos.
When choosing PJ’s, I’m pretty fixed in my ways. I like PJ’s with shirts, not tops you pull over your head, I like pretty patterns but hate slogans, and I just don’t get why you would wear pyjamas like these:

A jumpsuit to sleep in? Are you crazy? Going to the loo when you’re wearing a jumpsuit is difficult enough when you’re fully awake! And that stripy two set…I’d actually wear both of those items separately in the day, they’re just a bit too fancy to wear to bed!
I thought I’d share some of my favourite sets of pj’s from shops that ship to both the UK and US (except for Target, but realistically, that’s where I’m going to get most of my pj’s…and I already own two sets from the image…)

Long grey set ~ Satin Stars ~ Long floral ~ Short Red

You can never have too many pyjamas.