One of the nice things about moving is that we can have people over for dinner, drinks and games. We had a few games already, but we didn’t actually have any of the basic games! We have cabinets with glass doors, so I wanted something that was good looking. I was pretty excited when I found these linen book versions of games!

This Scrabble set is so pretty – it uses the 1948 design, and comes with wood tiles in a canvas bag. I love how everything neatly folds up into the book…I just need to find people to play with me! I’ve also bought the Game of Life because I never played that before and I’ve got my eye on the Cluedo set. I wish the Monopoly set was the UK version because the US board just seems odd to me!

There are six different games available, Scrabble, Yahtzee, Scattergories, The Game Of Life, Monopoly and Cluedo. I’d love to see more games in this style but can’t think what else I’d like – what other games should we get?
I can see why you had to have them. They do look very elegant!