When I was sent the GHD hair straighteners to review, I was asked to show off a hair style for a special occasion. This was definitely a challenge, because most of the time, I just straighten it or clip it back. I’m pretty damn lazy when it comes to my hair.
On Saturday morning, I was wondering how I should do my hair for Sarah Mia‘s wedding (which was AMAZING and I got to spend time with the wonderful Sarah and Amy) and thought about my old fallback hair style for Uni nights out.
Back then, I would put my hair in a high ponytail, then wind bits of hair into loops and pin down. Simple and easy! For this look, I put half my hair into a ponytail and used the straighteners to smooth down my ponytail, before using them to loop my hair up. I then used the straighteners to straighten the front part of my hair before pinning it back off my face.
(messy hair thanks to some sea winds!)
(You can tell this is later on in the night, as my hair is starting to fall! Also, oh hai Amy, you look awesome)
You can read my review of the GHD’s here.
Your hair looks lovely like this, I need to experiment more with my hair, I rarely do anything with it!
Maria xxx
Your hair looks fab – love the colour. Having perused the Facebook photos, I can definitively state that you all looked gorgeous. x