I’ve been a little absent from the blog recently because of all that life stuff getting in the way. Here’s a quick recap about whats been going on (and a prod to myself to blog about some of these things!)
Call me a spoilsport, but I’m kinda glad the heatwave is over (again). I just don’t cope well in hot weather – this photo was taken after work one Friday, sitting in the shade at 7pm was as much as I can handle!
A few weekends ago, I headed over to London for the iFabbo bloggers conference. It was a really interesting day, and I felt like I learnt loads (which seems so wrong for a Saturday!) – I’ll try to get a post together about it! Vanessa met me for dinner, and we headed to Burger and Lobster where the menu is…er…burger or lobster (or lobster roll for people who can’t be bothered to deshell their lobster). Since neither of us had ever had lobster before, obviously we had to go for that. Verdict: weird looking, too lazy to shell, but quite nice actually.
Wine already in a glass may not sound as good as gin-in-a-tin, but I still approve. I saw Selina on the train back to Bristol (we seem to have a thing at the moment for spotting each other on public transport!) and we gossiped about our days at blogger meetups!
On Sunday I headed over to Bath to take part in the Sky Ride – a cycle around some closed off roads in Bath. Despite the rain, it was still quite enjoyable to cycle around, especially around the Circus and Royal Crescent, which are two of my favourite areas in Bath. Its been a while since I got on my (or someone elses) bike, and the short ride reminded me that I really do want a bike. If only Bristol wasn’t so hilly, I would love to cycle to work!
After the ride, I headed up to the Fashion Museum to meet Ally. Embarrassingly, this is the first time I’ve been outside the museum – despite living over in Bristol for 4 years, I still haven’t visited. I’ll visit this summer. Honest.
We headed to Bea’s Vintage Tea Room, a lovely new find by Ally the day before, and had lunch. I went for coronation chicken (well, obviously) which was delicious, and Ally’s cake looked amazing too. Sadly I couldn’t quite fit one of these pretty little cakes in! I think I will have to visit Bea’s again with my camera this time, its such a pretty little tea room.
Finally, Fern. Cause, y’know, everyone loves the silliest spaniel in Bristol.
Wow that lobster looks absolutely amazing!!
The one good thing about the heatwave being over is that my make-up is actually staying on my face instead of melting off! I hate this rain though :( xx
Gargh, jusy wrote a comment and deleted it… sounds like you’ve had a busy few days – I’m with you on cycling in Bristol. I want to, but the hills are my nemesis! That, and I have a habit of signalling with the whole bike, rather than just my arm…
I would love to be able to cycle to work but the journey would take about 3 hours! I would love to try lobster but I would have to have it de-shelled!
Maria xxx