Happy new year! We watched the fireworks in London at midnight curled up on the sofa, which is a lot more fun I think than standing outside for 12 hours to make sure you get a good spot! I’m really enjoying reading everyones blog posts about what their resolutions are for the next year – I have a few that I’d like to do so will post that later in the week. This week off has gone by so quickly – I don’t want to go back to work on Tuesday. (Well, I do really, but it’s quite nice to be getting up late and doing nothing)
To start the new year, I wore a new dress – a good excuse as any! My sister had noticed that I was filling my wardrobe up with these dresses, so bought me this berry coloured one as part of my Christmas present. I probably wouldn’t have chosen it myself, but I really love the colour. Belt is from ASOS and boots from USC – basically, this is the same outfit as I wore here, but with black tights!
Link me to your resolution posts! I feel like I should have a few more than the 2 I have at the moment!
FINALLY! A present you actually effing like!
The colour really suits you!
That dress is such a pretty colour! I definitely wouldn’t fancy standing outside to see the fireworks – much nicer in the warm!