People think I’m weird because I have a bit of an obsession with Parma Violets. I find them yummy and sweet, and I love the smell. To others, it tastes like soap and smells like old ladies. I bought McQueen * from Amazon after someone said it smelt exactly like Parma Violets. Oddly, the 100ml […]
Archives for January 2012
Some New Sensation
Too lazy today to do an outfit post. I tried, but, blah. Have been trying to think about what to wear next month – London Fashion Week has made its way around again, and instead of the one day I managed last year, I’m going to be in London for three days. You may find […]
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It might be old, but I still love this old laptop.
Blogging Is Not A Competition
Todays post was originally going to be an entry into a competition by a company to win a ridiculous amount of shoes. But obviously, its not. (I think I just heard Alex breathe a sigh of relief.) Recently, there have been so many “competitions” and “awards” where the main objective for the company has seemed […]
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These rail users have never been on First Bus have they?