In the September issue of Glamour, research done for Freya lingerie revealed that almost 50% of women wait on average 6 months to buy new underwear. Really? Underwear for me is one of those things I never think about buying until I’m fed up with an underwire poking me in the side and actually remember to get rid of it! (Someone reassure me I’m not the only one to do that, when you’re getting ready in the morning, find a piece of clothing with a button missing or whatever, throw it in the washing and then forget about it until you’re getting ready again and pull it out of the wardrobe.)
I’m trying to be better at keeping my undies drawer full and updated, which I’ve blogged about recently. Lingerieplease sent me (along with the shapewear I blogged about last week) two bras from Baci, a brand I hadn’t heard of before.
The first bra is the Multiway Deep V Push Up – a simple bra which can be worn in different ways. I haven’t tried this one with the different strap ways, but these bras are always useful to have!
The second bra I recieved was the Maximum Cleavage bra which I preferred, size wise. The white bra was a little smaller than I expected, but this one seems OK. I like the pretty little lace bits as well, it makes an everyday item a little bit special which is always a good thing!
(The subject line? It means “Ladys Kisses” and is a type of biscuit but seemed to fit well!)
I am so bad at replacing my underwear, too. Some bras I must have had for upwards of 4 years! I’m trying to be better at this and got a couple of lovely sets from Boux Avenue last week (v impressed) so I will have a look at Baci too!