I’ve mentioned before about how I want a beautiful old fashioned style bike, but these bicycles make me want one even more now!
Beg Bicycles is based in Cambridge and not only sells bikes, but also the accessories in the photos – baskets, cool boxes, and even a mozzie spray holder! Its a bit shallow, but beautiful photos like these make me want something more than your standard stock style photo. Anyone else?
There are two styles of bikes for the ladies, the Bella (above) and the Betty (below). Bella costs £675, Betty £725 and both come in the same three colours, Flirty 30’s Green (a minty shade), Chalk (off white) and Persephone Pink (strawberry lip balm pink). At first, I preferred the Bella style, but after looking at the styled photos (see, it makes a difference!) I think I prefer the Betty now!
Oh my FLIP! I want one! Even though I’m not very good at cycling and get rather wobbley on roads with cars zooming past (probably something to do with my complete inability to cycle in a straight line…), I’ve always wanted an old-fashioned bike with a basket on the front. And a puppy to go in it. And a straw hat….
These photos make me want to get on a bike for the first time in years! Definitely prefer these photos to the standard catalogue ones, they are much more appealing!
Awww man, these are gorgeous! I would love a bike like this for riding through country lanes and going on picnics. Should probably wait until I live in the countryside though, if I left it locked up outside my flat no doubt someone would nick it because it’s so pretty haha!
What a MASSIVE rip off. They’re just old town bikes that have been painted.
Come to Cambridge (on the Mighty X5), get a bike for about £100, paint it and put an old seat on it. Same effect, 86% off.
I want an old vintagey bike so bad – mine is just plain DULL! Don’t think I could afford these, though, more’s the pity…