Normally at this time of year, I have a look back at what I did over the past 12 months. Except…well, this year, I don’t feel like I’ve actually gotten much done. I’ve barely taken any photos and end the year fatter, poorer and unemployed.
Instead, here are my resolutions for 2011.
Job Not much else to say here. I need a job, because being at home (OK, so I was only at home for a few days before we went to California, and was ill for most of that time) is SO boring. Also unexpected trips to New York don’t really help the bank balance.
Let the little things go And sometimes even the big things. I’ve found myself getting too wound up lately by peoples responses to the random bits I mention about my life – I need to remember that its not my problem, its theirs!
Improve my commenting. Amy’s 500 comments self-challenge back in October made me realise I am so crap at commenting on other peoples sites. Its not that I’m not reading – but I’ll click the link to a post and have it open in my tabs for a few days until I forget what I was going to comment. I dislike leaving non descript comments – “nice outfit! [blog address here]” – because it doesn’t feel like I’ve read the post properly. At least, thats what it would probably seem like to the blog owner. Am I just babbling now?
Take more photos! This one is starting to feel like something I say all the time. I used to love taking photos of EVERYTHING when I was at Uni, but I don’t know, I just don’t seem to go out and do that much any more to take photos of. That, and my camera situation is a bit pants at the moment – my compact Sony has an intermittent error with its stabilization sensor (Thankfully I got the extended warranty – always get extra insurance!) and my favourite 50mm lens for my Canon SLR currently looks like this:
Yeah. You know how you think “it will be fine!” in your carry on? It won’t. Especially when people keep knocking your bag off the trolley. I had hinted to various family members that I’d really like a replacement for Christmas, but instead I got pretty sparkly things. (Its back on my wishlist if anyone is interested ;)) At least it wasn’t the kit lens though I guess.) Perhaps I should use this opportunity to learn how to use my camera properly – yes, I’m one of those people with a big camera and use it just on the automatic setting. Thats why I loved the 50mm lens, it makes things look good without trying. (Oh, I’m good with the English, me)
Perhaps I should change this one to record more – recording what I do via photos, blogging, even noting down the books I read (I’ve never done this one surprisingly, I’d be interested to see how many books I read in a year – considering I’ve finished 3 books in 2 days, and had two of those on the go at the same time (not an unusual occurrence!))
Appreciate everything more Perhaps this is linked to some of the previous resolutions.
What are your resolutions?
Want to see older resolutions posts? I’ve been writing these since 2009, and you can find them all here
I’m really trying with the comments thing at the moment. I’ve had a blogging break really but my followers still stand at 400+ and I only seem to get one or two comments these days :( I want to take more photographs as well! xxx
I am so WITH YOU on the blog commenting. I read, absorb, and forget to comment. It’s useless! I have to scold myself by reminding myself how much blog comments mean to ME, it has to be reciprocal!
Although it doesn’t feel like… what?
Do project 365!
I read them (usually on my phone while at work or on the bus), keep them unread in Google Reader, then get home and open that entry up and…yeah, my witty comment disappears from my brain. Silly brain.
Ahem. I may have forgotten to finish that bit.
I have sort of been taking photos and putting them on my Instagram, so that might end up being a P365 thing. I don’t know!
Whilst the Canon 50mm f1.8 lens is a wonderful lens for the money (it really is, and I won’t hear a bad thing said about it, but for the fact that it feels quite plasticky), if you can connive the money out of anyone do consider the Canon 50mm f1.4. It’s a lovely piece of glass.
I would *love* to get the 1.4, but its nearly 3 times the cost, so the 1.8. is (slightly) more attainable :)
Good luck with your resolutions :) and happy new year x
Take more photos is pretty much always my resolution, and indeed it will be again this year!
Happy new year!
I contemplated buying your lens, then saw the price of it.
Jog on, miss expensive!
Seeing that lens nearly made me cry. Boo!!
I’m definitely on board with the whole ‘record more’ thing this year. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be an important one for me, so making sure I have memories [no matter how mundane] is important! And I’m def getting a proper camera this year…can’t wait! Though now I know not to take it in a carry on. Ever. So sorry for your loss! [yeah…i speak about cameras as if they’re people. Apparently]
Good resolutions, I am going to steal the ‘record more’ one from you!
I have the commenting and photography ones too, I used to take so many photos, but I barely carry a camera anymore, which is a shame.
That’s how I felt when I started using my iPhone… now I just use my Filofax for note taking!