Lately, it feels like the blog is just about fashion and shoes and pretty shit. I like all those things, of course, but people know my blog for the random bits as well.
I don’t think that I have properly introduced Fern to you yet. I’ve mentioned her briefly (including in the sidebar blurb about me) on the blog, and quite a bit on Twitter, but I’ve not shown any pictures of her.
This is Fern
She’s a cocker spaniel and about 4 years old I think. Alex has had her since she was a puppy, and she is quite lovely.
Even if she has crazy eyes (seriously, the dog has an insane look about her.)
Despite the fact that I’ve known the dog for about a year now, it is only in the last month or so that she doesn’t go batshit crazy when I walk in. Before it was “INTRUDER ALERT HEY HI THERES A PERSON HERE AND IT’S NOT THE BOSS”. Now it’s “meh, that woman who is always around the food and feeds me”
She has traction issues. She loves the giant tennis ball (I wish I had a photo of how she carries the ball) She woke me up last week (4am. Four. Ayy. Emm.) by jumping on my chest and throwing a tennis ball at my head.
The reason I’m mentioning Fern is because of the latest post from hyperbole and a half. The Special Dog is definitely Fern.
I LOVE reading about peoples pets, Fern looks an absolute beaut!
And as nuts as my dog Holly…I get pinned to the bed in the morning as she won’t leave without a cuddle. :)
I see what you mean about the insane look, I think it’s cute though.
Pic of the tennis ball please.
Yay woof woof!! I’m always posting about my pup, I love doggies!! Fern is lovely :)
Aw, cutie,
bring her to the K9 cafe in Nailsea
(oh how I wish I were joking about the name)
She’s so gorgeous! I would love to have a pet. As soon as I have my own home that will fit one I’m there with the adorable animals!
I love how her eyes have a real look of ‘OMG WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW? GUYS? GUYS!”
So jealous you have a dog to play with :(