Tea cups are great. So there. In fact, I prefer them to glasses.
At Julians birthday gathering, he fed us all many many yummy cocktails, served in beautiful martini glasses that he’d bought from Habitat that morning. I like cocktail glasses, but I asked if I could have mine in one of Ally’s pretty tea cups. Everyone looked at me as if I were a bit odd (this is not an unusual look from my friends) but my reasoning behind my choice was proven the same evening when Jules offered me some of his cocktail and spilled it all down my dress.
The next time I had a pretty tea cup in my hands was at the Aussie Mad Hatters Tea Party. I think I disappointed one of the 1000 Heads ladies by mentioning that I’d done the same thing a few months previously, but whereas their choice of tea cups was to fit with a theme, mine was because of practicality. I mean, I’m clumsy at the best of times. Give me a martini glass, and I can’t walk an inch without sloshing half my drink.
Look at this highly technical drawing of why a tea cup beats a martini glass.

Heres a few pretty pretty tea cups that I really should buy, shouldn’t I, yes, yes I should.
(all tea cups are from The Oxford Tea Party, which is a dangerous website if you want pretty tea cups without the faff of going to charity shops! (I’m never that lucky with them!)
Teacups are so pretty! And I don’t even drink tea. But I DO drink booze. I approve.
I also love your technical drawing, like, a lot.
The other reason why martini glasses fail is because they have weird balance issues so are just asking to be tipped over. I don’t think I’ve ever drunk from a martini glass without getting it down my front. This is also a reason why I rarely wear white.
The recipe for disaster glass is kind of cool, though… if disastrous.
Top marks on the technical drawing. That thing is better than some of the CAD diagrams I handed in at uni, and they were complex.
Martini glasses + me + booze = nightmare. When we were at Neil & Becca’s I got cosmo all down my jeans and on their sofa. I’m just not good with easily spillable beverages. Teacups seem like a good solution to me. Plus, they’re pretty.
Tea cups FTW.
I hear a rumour that everyone’s favourite odd popstar previously rumoured to be a man (until she flashed her horrible muff and got her boobs out at a Yankees game) always carries a china cup with her so she can drink tea out of it.
I’ve just spent pretty much all day on The Oxford Tea Party website! I loooove it!
Hope you’re fine and dandy xxx