I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m no beauty or fashion blogger. (I barely wear make up on a daily basis, and fashion wise, you’ll find me either in a black pencil skirt for work, or leggings and a long cardi/jumper at the weekends. I’m all about the comfort, me)
So after having a little post-hairdresser spending mission in the local Superdrug (oh Knowle, you are an intimidatingly scary hilarious place), I realised that I’ve bought the above lip things in the past week or so, and also I seem to be gravitating to fuchsia coloured lipsticks and glosses since trying out the Centrifuchsia lipstick by Lime Crime at Space NK a few weeks ago.
L-R, we have Rimmel Colour Show Offs (you know, the matte coloured ones in the advert with that, quite honestly, odd looking girl) in Shake Up Pink and Shocking Pink, Max Factor Vibrant Curve Effect Lip Gloss in Me Me Me, and the Liz Earle Lip Shimmer previously mentioned.
The Rimmel lipsticks are a lovely matte finish, and while the Shake Up Pink colour isn’t really that drastic, the Shocking Pink one is amazing.

However, as you might already tell, its pretty difficult to apply this lippie without looking a bit like the Joker in Batman. Especially when you are as cock handed as I am.
The Max Factor lip gloss – the one thats being advertised at the moment with the fab Soho Girls song “Stripper” – looks lovely in the tube, but is pretty disappointingly non coloured on my lips.
As I mentioned, the Liz Earle lip shimmer is a odd smelling lip balm, but works well to calm down the Shocking Pink lipstick!
Oh, and while I’m being a bit vain, heres a pic of my hair since I got it chopped on Saturday. OK, so theres not much difference to my usual hair, but its nice to have it tidied up. I could tell when I washed it this morning that quite a lot had been chopped out!
(the title is from an Aerosmith song, I still have a secret love for Aerosmith which was spawned from the game “Quest for Fame” that my sister and I were given. You had to strum the “V-Pick” against a guitar, and it plugged into the parallel port. It was the old school version of Guitar Hero.)
for clarification, you didn’t strum on a guitar, you strummed on a tennis racket, and it was fupping awesome.