I was on the bus the other day and saw the above article. I’ve seen a few things lately saying how amazing coconut water was, so I thought that next time I saw some, I’d buy it and try it. All in the interests of you, dear readers. I got off the bus, into Waitrose and look what I saw:

So here’s the collection of flavours in Waitrose. Can you make out the prices? £1.59 for this tiny little carton! But I thought, Well, it might still do some good, and if it does, then the price is justified. Yeah, call it girl diet crazy.

I got back to the office and stared at the carton for a bit. I went for the coconut water with pineapple, because I thought that at least that wouldn’t be so gross as normal coconut water.

OK, so this is about as far as I could manage. I took a few sips, and nearly spat it out! It had a weird taste, like metallically.
I ignored it for a while on my desk and it started to separate. Eugh.
So, er, my official verdict on coconut water? Just drink normal water. I never learnt my lesson from when I begged my mum when I was younger for a coconut. Coconuts are gross – unless they’re in the form of a Bounty.
Oh, and the title is from my favourite character in Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. I spent a lot of time in the summer between my gap year and final year of uni watching crappy TV and this was one of my favourites.
This coconut water stuff seems to be all over the shop at the moment. I took my first ever trip to Waitrose on Saturday (how have I lived my life before now?!) and saw it too but baulked at the price tag. I’ll just stick to tap water methinks.
I can recommend a good diet for you though. The Hospital Diet, basically you don’t eat for a week because the food’s garbage. The weight loss is brilliant!
.-= The Girl´s last blog ..The Girl and The Shoes =-.
Hmm, Sceptical. As you say I think I’d rather just drink water. Aloe vera juice is also really good for you though, especially at this time of year with all the hot weather we’ve been having.
.-= Becs´s last blog ..Thai prawn and mussel tom yam (hot & sour) soup =-.
I read somewhere that coconut water can be used as a substitute for blood plasma, so perhaps that’s why it tastes metallic!
.-= Vixel´s last blog ..Things I Love Thursday =-.
I’ve been hearing so much about coconut water recently. It looks horrible. Think I’ll be sticking to Evian. X
.-= Lil´s last blog ..A VERY MAD HATTERS TEA PARTY =-.
The price really irks me. Now that the drink is ‘trendy’ they add a £1 to it’s orginal price. Check out the world food sections in your local supermarket’s – cartons of coconut waterfor 35p