Clifton in 20mm #2 by slimmer_jimmer
So, a champagne fulled chat with Lydia and Lil at the Aussie Frizz Miracle Mad Hatters Tea Party (what a mouthful!) set off the idea of organising a bloggers meet up in Bristol
Why Bristol? Well, it seems that theres a lot of beauty and fashion type bloggers who either went to uni here, or lived here, or just like the city. All meetups that I’ve known about have really been focused on London, or maybe one of the bigger cities up North, but nothing ever happens in Bristol!
Which is pretty crazy, lets face it. Bristol is an awesome city, full of interesting little places and shops, and little places for tea and cake.
So this is a blog post saying “Hello, lets all meet up in Bristol. We can have tea and cake.”
If you’re interested in coming along, please comment on this blog post, email me at hi [at] or fill in this poll, so we can choose a date!
Count me in!! x
Definitely Definitely Definitely!!! Let’s do it, Bristol is an awesome place for a meet. Would be great to meet more bloggers, I don’t know many : ( x