So the next year of the Aussie Angel events have started up again and this year, we’ve been asked to put ourselves into “tribes”, based on our hair types. Since my hair is a giant frizz ball if its not attacked properly, I aligned myself with the Frizz Miracle tribe.
Dread rainy days or always on the search for that perfect curl? The Frizz Miracle tribe is for you
Next Saturday, the Frizz Miracle girls will be meeting up at a gorgeous looking place in London and having a Mad Hatters Tea Party (I know, perfect for me, especially after my tea quota post!)
To get ourselves ready for the party, the lovely girls at Aussie sent over a welcome pack, filled with everything needed to “survive until [the] Tribe party”
Yes, I know that this is a bit of a silly picture, because the goodies are in the middle of the picture, but I had to take pictures out in the garden because it was so lovely out! The Curly Wurly in the middle soon disappeared…maybe about 10 seconds after this picture was taken!
If you can’t see, I was sent the Frizz Miracle shampoo, conditioner and 3 Minute Miracle Frizz Remedy, a mirror, a brush, a few badges (including the one at the top of this blog post) all packed in a wash bag.
Since my postman apparently has a bit of a thing for not delivering parcels, I’ve been getting things sent to my office, so it was pretty fun that both the Aussie parcel and the below things arrived at the same time. Due to various cock ups by Royal Mail, I’ve been waiting about 8 weeks for this order I placed.
I love Cleanse and Polish, it’s the only face wash I’ve been able to use until the bottle was finished! Normally my skin has a reaction once I get halfway down a bottle of face wash, bah! I also ordered some Gentle Face Exfoliator and a Sheer Pink Lip Shimmer. I’ve not had a chance to use the exfoliator yet, but I’ve tried the lip shimmer, which to be honest, is a bit odd! I’ve heard that it is a tinted version of the Superbalm, which explains the odd smell!
My bedroom is starting to look a little like a Liz Earle shop. Or the Wifes bathroom – she has pretty much every product they sell!
I need to get in on this Liz Earle thing, loads of people rave about her. Need to check it out.
I get stuff delivered to work too. My postman has trouble getting letters through the door, nevermind parcels!
Let’s hear it for the Frizzies!!
.-= The Girl´s last blog ..I’ll show you productive =-.