…I am excited for: This weekend. Its our anti-ante Valentines weekend, and we’re heading down to my best friends (aka the Wife’s) house just past Shepton Mallet. There will be mooses milk, lingerie shopping and shooting things with bows and arrows. (Crap, those last two items are actually a bit Valentine-y/Cupid-esque isn’t it?)
…I am bored of: Oh auditing. Job searching. Being a lazy arse.
…I should never have Googled: Sploshing. Thanks Secret Diary of a Call Girl. Now I look like a perv.
…I hope: that it doesn’t bloody well snow again. We had an exciting little flurry the other day, five minutes, that was long enough thank you!
…I dream of: Mulberry handbags. Purple and grey leather purses and handbags. (I am not even kidding here, I daydreamed about them the other day.)
…I love: Nutella on bagels. What, you thought I was going to get slushy? Do you even know me?
I am resisting the urge to google Sploshing but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.
Hope you have a great weekend!
.-= Zoe´s last blog ..Film Review: Valentine’s Day =-.
I found out what ‘Sploshing’ was via C.S.I. NY yesterday night :p it was weird that it was on there after you mentioned it in your tweet earlier in the week. Can I just say, ew?!
.-= Wildfire198´s last blog ..Al Wardle & 64Colours Customs – DLS2 =-.
Sploshing? Never heard of it…but I’ll Google it now, when I’m at home :P
Good luck with the job searching!
.-= Elle´s last blog ..What did I miss?! =-.