Wow, a new year already? The review of 2008 was found here, but 2009 has been a very fun and random year. Lets see what I can remember. Its under a cut, because its probably not that interesting if you’re not me!
I spent New Years…asleep actually. Staying at my stepmums pub at Christmas had really messed up my back, and I could barely move on New Years Eve! I fell asleep 10 minutes before midnight and woke up at 2am thinking “Was that it?”
I failed completely at doing a Project 365. The idea of taking photos everyday for a year sounds quite easy, but I gave up after a week or so!
I was still at the Audit Commission, and still quite enjoying my work. (As much as you can enjoy work!) The highlight of the month was 2 24″ iMacs appearing on my desk…I fought the urge to shove one up my jumper to take home.
The main thing that happened in February was that Louise and Nathan got married! This took up lots of my time, because I helped out with a lot of the decorations and preparations. Most weekends were spent in the Creech, sticking roses and miri card together. I now have an aversion to miri card and guillotines.
Besides the stationary related crafting, I also made a muff and about a million metres of bunting for the wedding.
I saw my first stand up show, by the rather lovely Mark Watson at the Komedia in Bath. We had a really fun night, despite being split up by the unreserved seating.
Weather wise, we had a ridiculous amount of snow, and my road was an ice rink car park. We even had police men come to the door and tell us not to go out. OK, I can do that.
I gave up chocolate for Lent. What a mental thing to do.
I spent most weekends at Louise and Nathans house, helping them redecorate their bedroom. I now know that I hate decorating.
I decided to run the Race for Life, and declared that I would actually run the race, rather than walking it as I did the first time round.
I visited Wells for the first time, and was far too excited to find that my bank was next to the Somerfield supermarket as featured in Hot Fuzz.
My lovely BFF Helen came down to Bristol for a little visit, we did such exciting things as getting our eyebrows threaded, did a lot of Singstaring, danced like twats at Ramshackle (love it), and had a cosy girly night in.
I cooked an awesome roast dinner for some friends, which I don’t do often enough!
Dad and Maria moved over to Cardiff, which was a great thing at first, but then turned quite bad for them.
Lent ended whilst I was in Cardiff with my family (including my sister) and I had a mountain of chocolate to work my way through. As my family are so kind, they helped me with this task. Not that I asked them to.
Alec and Suz came over to Bristol for a little day trip, which was so fun!
Was molested by a little old lady in John Lewis under the pretence of being measured for a bra for the first time ever, thanks to the wife. I am still traumatised by this.
Nathan flew off to Afghanistan for a long tour, which was poop, but to cheer him up, I cross stitched a Moomin for him. He’s scared of Moomins.
The next cross stitch thing I did was an Apple logo. I haven’t cross stitched since.
I was still sort of keeping up with my R4L training, but not really. I remembered that I really hate running.
Ended up going to Lazer Quest for someones birthday, then going out to a random club. It was like I was back in Uni again!
We had some lovely weather at the beginning of the month, which everyone else enjoyed except me. Yes, I am one of those weird people who hates heat. I was too hot by 9am.
I was ill which wasn’t fun. To be fair, I was pretty sickly all year. Silly body.
I actually did my Race for Life, which was truly epic. I now never have to do any proper running ever again.
Lovely Matt dans le Hat visited Bristol, so we had much tea and then cider in Keynsham by the river. Lovelyness.
I went to London for the UKLB meetup – it was so so fun to meet other bloggers for cupcakes!
I went on numerous interviews, but nothing ever came about them
I finished my contract with the Audit Commission – boo!
Quite a few of my friends headed down to Bristol for the Banksy exhibit – we queued for ages, but it was totally worth it. It was really fun as well to finally meet Zoe for the first time!
I started temping at the job where I am at the moment. Oh the joy.
Adam, Deanne, Jason and I headed down to Evercreech for another Accounting Geek Reunion. We had a lovely meal at Goldbrick House (honestly, one of the nicest meals I’ve had) and there was lots of drinking and laughing and abusive text messages.
Dad and Maria finally moved back to Fishponds after having a bad time in Cardiff.
I turned 26, so had three separate celebrations. I had a great meal at Cosmo with quite a few of my friends on the Thursday, a quiet night at the new pub with the family on Friday and then a “romantic†meal with Louise and Nathan at ZeroDegrees on my actual birthday, the Saturday.
I seemed to meet lots of Twitter people this month, which was pretty awesome actually.
Alec and Suz made another voyage to Bristol, which was again awesome and lovely!
I finally admitted how bad my debt was, both to myself and the Wife. She only told me off a little bit.
I was ill again, enough to warrant a day off work, which the Wife took to mean that we should go shopping.
I went out quite a lot this month, mostly going out for tea which made me very :) :) :)
I went to Birmingham with Zoe and Helen to have our hair done as part of the Uncover Aussie thing, it was so much fun, and not just because we were kept with a constant supply of champagne.
As lame as it sounds, I didn’t really do that much in November, besides drink a lot of tea and stay in Bath quite a bit. Honestly, how lame am I?
Zoe and I headed to London for a girls night out courtesy of Aussie, which was immense fun. We also did quite a bit of window shopping around Regent Street
The housemate and I moved house, finally, to a little two bed terrace around the corner from the old flat.
I missed out on my current place of works Christmas party, but managed to gatecrash my old place of works after party. It was pretty awesome.
Christmas was pretty interesting, our second in a pub and my first without my sister.
I fell over on the ice and sprained my wrist, which meant I couldn’t work too much in the pub over Christmas. Upsetting.
More time was spent in Bath, in fact I may have stayed in Bath more than I have been in my new house.
Everyone seems to be doing these year in reviews or decade in review posts. I’m a bit scared, mainly because a) I don’t think I can remember and b) I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be that interesting!