I love this song, and this video seems to fit it quite well.
It makes you blind, it does you in
It makes you think you’re pretty tough
It makes you prone to crime and sin
It makes you say thing off the cuff
It’s very small and made of glass
And grossly over-advertised
It turns a genius into an ass
And makes a fool think he is wise
It could make you regret your birth
Or turn cartwheels in your best suit
It costs a lot more than it’s worth
And yet there is no substitute
They keep it on a higher shelf
The older and more pure it grows
It has no color in itself
But it can make you see rainbows
You can find it at the Bowery
Or you can find it at Elaine’s
It makes your words more flowery
It makes the sun shine, makes it rain
You just get what they put in
And they never put in enough
Love is like a bottle of gin
But a bottle of gin is not like love
That’s a cool song, thanks for sharing! x
A click here, a click there and there you are. Hello, my name is Bob.
Nice song Hayley.
Surfed through your flikr, you have a raw, plain beauty about you. I really liked the winter pictures from your bedroom window. So cold and stark outside, warm safe bed inside lit up with warm white lights. Very nice. Beautiful sunset shots too.
Thanks for sharing a chunk of your life on the internet.
Quite sleepy now, goodnight.
PS The website I put down is one of my favorite flicks. Have you seen it?
17:22 Is being described as having a “raw, plain beauty” a good thing or not? #
That’s a good thing. No, I’m not a stalker, more of a lurker.
Actually I’m a programmer that works out of the house. Translation: they pay me to play in the garden & surf the net ;)
Ok, now I’m looking at your facebook thumbnail shot. Now all I see is just plain beautiful.