Ah, meme time. Not at all a way for me to procrastinate from doing something useful.
The very lovely Zoe gave me five words she wants me to explain more. The words she gave me were ceriselle, crafty, tea, Bristol, race-for-life (“hey, if I use hyphenation it’s one word :-P”)
ceriselle is the name of my website (well, its a nameless site, thats the domain name. I get confused on that sometimes.) I’ve had this domain name for a few years now, and it replaced halcyonic.org. ceriselle is a made up word, from the French words cerise which means cherry and elle which is normally a female thing (its been a while since my French classes) I like it because its a very curvy word! And why is it in lower case? Because it just looks a bit odd to me when its capitalised!
I’ve always been a bit of a crazy crafty lady. The earliest thing I can remember doing is some jewellery making when I was about 7. I don’t just mean threading plastic beads onto a bit of elastic, but making earrings with fish wires and head pins. I picked up jewellery making again when I was looking after my mum in 2005 (it was something to do in the day, not working is surprisingly dull!)
Tea is a massive part of my life. Honestly. I couldn’t make it through the day without at least 3 cups. I think the true addiction started in our final year at university, when I lived with Zoe’s husband James. We would take it in turns, along with another housemate Ed to make tea – we got through many many cups, especially around essay and exam times!
I’ve written about why I chose to move to Bristol a few times, there are just so many reasons why I am here! My dad and his wife live about a mile away, quite a lot of my friends from uni live around here and its just so different to Chester (my home city) in so many ways!
Race for Life
Of course, Race for Life is an important thing to me at the moment. Cancer Research is something I support because my mum and both my grandfathers died from various smoking related cancers. (Its also why I hate smokers, obviously). Doing the Race for Life is my way of supporting a charity I like. The other charities I support are Macmillian and Help for Heroes.
If you would like to take part, comment on this entry and I shall try to think of five things I want to know more about from you!
Thanks for such great answers – and they are much better written than my late night rambling efforts!
I love how you got your blog’s name. I’ve tried various names for mine in the past but I’ve been using Zoe Corkhill online since before James & I got married, oops! It’s unique though, and I love it – much better than Smith which is what I used to be. Drowning in anonymity online!
Thanks for answering the Race for Life one – I know that was prying a bit! Cancer Research etc is really important for me as well because my Mum was diagnosed with a particularly vicious form of breast cancer just before her 50th birthday. Fortunately she finished chemotherapy a month or so before our wedding (she wouldn’t let us delay it) and so she was strong enough for the day, though she was really tired by the evening reception. Thankfully her recovery is going really well & she is back to work.. sorry to ramble!
I won’t ask for another 5 – I already did 15 things and I don’t expect you to be able to think up another unique 5! (Even if I still don’t get the chicken thing..!?!)
Can I have 5, then I can write 10 woo :)
OK, let me think…tea, driving, drinking (alcoholic of course!), flamingos and this photo:

(I found it in iPhoto, and it made me laugh so much!)
This was nice to read xx
I just have to say thank you for that photo, it’s hilarious! I love mocking my husband at every opportunity and that’s great material! :-P