I thought I would start doing a weekly sort of post, to sort of sum up the cool things about the week, and I remembered about this semi-meme on iCiNG (I love the site, but man, that was actually painful to type like a 13 year old tEeNy.)
So, here are the things I love this week:
1. vintage tea set with cupcake, 2. IMG_2202, 3. Cocktail train, 4. Rocotillos, 5. IMG_0755.JPG, 6. First steps, 7. IMG_2135, 8. 9 Oct 2007 : Candy Floss Pink!, 9. suck up! a.k.a. you suck! :)
- Tea – Tea will never leave my love list. Its the best thing ever. It calms you down, it wakes you up in the morning. I’m sitting here now with a mug of PG Tips in a (shh) Starbucks mug that accidently dropped into one of my bags a few years ago. I’ve tried to use other mugs at home, but somehow, it just doesn’t taste right.
- Lip Gloss – I have no idea why I love lip gloss so much, but I have like two trays in my make up box of just lip colours, balms, glosses, sticks, pencils, etc. And most of the time I forget to put it on. My most recent purchase was the new L’Oreal Infallible Lip Colour, which has been made into a more handbag friendly case. And it stays on for aaaaaages. (I realise thats kinda the point, but shh)
- Clifton – Its a more affulent area of Bristol, where students of the University of Bristol also normally live. I lived there a few years ago, the last time I lived in Bristol, and its somewhere where I just feel quite relaxed. Its so close to the centre, its so beautiful, and they have gorgeous little shops where you can just poke around in and find little sparkly things for the house and yourself. Ooh, my favourite.
- Glastonbury – Yes, its Glasto this weekend. It’s not really my thing to go and sit in a muddy field, but I am looking forward to the coverage on the BBC, the themed nights out (Ramshackle is having a “Glasto-Shackle” where you get in for £2 if you wear wellies. I’m tempted, but its not much of a bargain if I have go and buy wellies first) and because Bristol is the closest big city, random acts will be stoppin by and doing gigs and that – Franz Ferdinand were playing at the Thekla on Wednesday, sadly I couldn’t get tickets (argh!)
- Meeting New People – I did some temping last week for a few days, but met some new people, we went for drinks last week, and we’re hoping to go out tomorrow night. Its actually quite nice to be getting out of the flat!
What is making you happy this week then?
i love tea too ! peppermint is my favourite <3
@Katie – I can’t really drink flavoured teas, but I love breakfast tea, yum yum!