Last night, myself and Helen voyaged to Ellesmere Port to the Vue to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall. We had wanted to see this film for a while since we heard Kristen Bell was going to be in it. (We love Veronica Mars) On one of the hottest days of the year, we were excited to go to the well air-conditioned room and eat ice cream instead of sunbathing in a beer garden drinking cider.
I tried to keep away from reading any reviews, because I assumed they wouldn’t be too positive, but I had heard from friends of friends that it was awful.
We settled into our seats at the front of the tiered seats (best seats in the cinema, cause you can put your feet up on the bar in front)
The film was a lot more enjoyable than i expected, and there were actually moments that I laughed out loud. There was a little too much male frontal nudity and sex scenes for my liking. We discussed on the way home possible scenarios where that would not be a good film to watch with someone. Helen said that watching the film with your parents wouldn’t be the best idea but I thought that going to see this on a first date would be most awkward.
Russell Brands character was… well, lets just say there wasn’t much acting needed! Kristen Bell was a little irritating, but that was kind of the point. Jason Segel was a bit sad, but again, that was the point. Oh, and we loved the puppets – just Avenue Q enough for us!
Overall, a good film to turn your brain off to – don’t expect anything too taxing or intellectual!
Being such Veronica Mars geeks, we loved that the trailers before the film were for films with Amanda Seyfried (who played Lilly) and Ryan Hansen (Dick Casablancas) in. We hoped for something (anything!) with Jason Dohring in, but sadly there was no trailer for Moonlight.