My most recent blog post
Trunk Club – Further adventures in online clothing boxes. This time I tried out the Nordstrom offering of sending you items to try on and see if you like them. Not bad!
BLM Resources – Instead of sharing things to Instagram stories or other social media, I thought I’d make a page on here to collate everything so it’s easy to share. If there’s anything you think would be a good addition, please let me know!
Bonjour Blogger!‘s most recent blog post
Are Saves The Most Important Instagram Metric? – you’ve probably seen that graphic going around saying that saving a post is more valuable for the creator than a simple like, so I obviously had to prove it wrong.
Other things I’ve made…
The Glasshouse – Want to learn more about your blog one on one? Head over to The Glasshouse where you can purchase courses and mentorships with me!
5 Days To Create A Media Kit is my free email course which walks you through how to set up your own media kit for your blog
Find Blog Opportunities – I created this page to publish anything I retweet from the @bonjourblogger Twitter account (I only retweet blog opportunities) to make it easier for bloggers and influencers to find opportunities that might be good for them
The Salon – a community based in Seattle for bloggers and influencers
Seattle Photo Locations – I created this page to share places to take good photos because I’m still learning and I felt like it would be useful for others!
If you like what I do on this site and across social media, I’d love it if you could fill out this page on, providing a testimonial!
(these next two widgets contain affiliate links!)
Things I like
Shop my Instagram
Links I want to share

I was on a podcast! SJ interviewed me for the first episode of season 3 of her podcast, Non Native, and we talked about food, healthcare and other things about the US
• ‘Challenge Accepted’: Why Women Are Posting Black-and-White Selfies
• #ChallengeAccepted: Here’s Why Women Are Posting Black And White Photos On Instagram
– you’ve probably seen lots of black and white photos recently on Instagram, learn why people are doing this
A few dog related Reddit’s I’ve found recently that I love:
Defunctland: The History of Alton Towers’ Black Hole – I was a huge rollercoaster fan in the mid/late 90’s and love Alton Towers, so this was an interesting history on one of the older rides. Oblivion was the best ride though.
16 Corgi Mixes That Will Melt Your Cold, Unloving Heart – I’m obsessed with this. Why are corgi mixes just hilarious?
Keep the Internet Weird – This was really interesting as it is pretty much my history of being online. I started off in the late 90’s coding a website (on Angelfire!) and bought my first domain in 2000, which my friend hosted for me on his site, and I had my own blog there. It’s all still on, which is very funny to look at and there’s no way in hell I’m going to tell you my old URL’s.

I’m a Bellevue based blogger, originally from Chester in north west England.
I love learning about my new home, meeting new people, going to the gym, writing and dogs (always dogs)
Everything linked above is either something I made or something I love, so feel free to click about to find out more about what makes me tick!
If you’re around the Seattle area, get in contact and let’s have a brew!