Thursday 21st May The morning always starts with a brew Waiting at Bristol Temple Meads to go to work I wouldn’t survive the work day without my giant cup <3 Normally I scribble down what I’ve done in my diary. Normally we have power to our comms room. No power=no work. Not as much fun…
Snow, part 2
So I woke up this morning to a TwitterFon full of my London/South East friends all gloating that they had been building snowmen and having snowball fights at 2am while I was snug in my little bed. I looked at the iPhone weather thing, and once again Bristol was predicted to have snow. I turned…
Life in BIS
Today my boss and I cleared out our storage cupboard. We were quite ruthless, and now I have 27 laptops to throw away (including a pretty enormous one made of grey plastic and has a 1.4gb hard drive. Its about three times the size and weight of my 3 year old iBook) This is what…