Pencils as jewellery. Not something I would ever have thought of looking in my pencil case at school, but this is why I am not a jewellery designer. More information is available at – doesn’t it make you think about how other simple objects can be put together to make something unusual?
Shoe Porn: Charlotte Olympia
I have to admit, I’d love to have all of these shoes. Can you imagine, a rainbow of shoes on a shelf? Charlotte Olympia is the designer of these shoes, and whilst I’ve only picked out the more colourful designs here, she also creates some gorgeous shoes that are a bit more outrageous than I…
Never Gonna Give Them Up
“Inspired” by Charlottes post about her hairbrush thats so battered but she just can’t get rid of it, I thought about bits of clothing that I’ve not been able to bin. That skirt that’s got a button missing and a split up the back thats gone so far its a tad indecent. The blouse that…