No, not the Bloc Party song that I had on repeat for too long and now can’t listen to it, but some beautiful pieces of jewellery by Chao & Eero Jewel a Finish company. The SIGNS silver collection was inspired by the frequent use of emails and mobile phone messages. People use different signs to…
HtCC: Manymals
I have to admit, I was first drawn to this collection by the packaging. “Manymals” is a collection of five different stirling silver animal shapes made in California by Markus Diebel. They were created out clay, then digitized, reduced in size and then cast in silver. I love how each shape is so soft looking,…
Ooh, Sparkly Sale Time
I’ve blogged previously about Joanna Rutter’s beautiful jewellery but I noticed today from her blog that she’s having a sale this weekend – get 15% off by putting “CHEERS” in as a discount code (till 4th July) I’m in love with this “ahoy” necklace – might have to head over to her shop tomorrow, well, it is…